Are you just working? or are you answering the (WHY) and succeeding?

I was off and working again and had to reach deep for some inspiration to do what really needed to be done. The job was tedious and was trying my patience, a very hard thing to do as I am very patient and like to see perfection as much as possible. When most people get to this point they either procrastinate, avoid, or blow up and get frustrated, then they look for something to blame. Hope that this isn’t you, because it is one of the least productive ways to go. 

I will make this post short as time is short today. Before making a decision to do a job whether for someone else or yourself, Make a note, a goal, a step to a goal, or a mark to reach for. Start with the big picture and give yourself a reason, (a WHY) you are going to spend time and/or money doing this, then work out the steps you have to do to achieve this. If you are like me, you don’t have all the answers and that’s OK, Starting with the things you know build that path of steps and where there is a gray area leave it blank or mark it with your best guess, then find someone who has achieved that step and ask them for input or assistance. The more complete you can make this the easier it will be to break it up into little bites that are easy to chew. 

OK- maybe a bit vague, but your (WHY) is the thing you wish to achieve:

Pay off your bills. 

Get out of Debt

A new Home, Car.

Maybe a new relationship 

Start a business

Go to school – there are so many ways to do this also

The big one- Is be financially independent. 

I sometimes laugh at this one because if you use money at all, and you’re not your own self sustaining country, are you really independent or just less dependent, 

So get to it and if you don’t have a ( why ) you should think about that too. This is the first thing that is usually overlooked when setting goals, and most people have been taught this backwards 

Most find the tools, then seek the knowledge, then make the goal, and get started with the wrong tools. so reverse this, Set the goals, research the ways to the goal and get the tools that will specifically get you there, which will save you tons in time and money.